The first season of Salem, an American horror–drama television series on WGN America, premiered on April 20, 2014, and concluded on July 13, 2014, consisting of thirteen episodes. Created for television by Adam Simon and Brannon Braga, who write or co-write episodes of the show, the series is based on the Salem Witch Trials. It was executive produced by Braga, Coby Greenberg and David Von Ancken, with Braga and Simon assuming the role of showrunner.
As the first original scripted show on WGN America, the pilot episode received 1.52 million viewers, and remained the network's highest-rated show throughout its first season run. The show was soon renewed for a second season. The season follows Mary Sibley, a witch conspiring with other witches to bring forth the Grand Rite, as she brings forth hysteria among the puritans of Salem. Her former flame, John Alden, returns after years of absence, complicating her wicked plan.
Salem is an Amtrak train station in Salem, Oregon, United States. It is served by the Amtrak Cascades and the Coast Starlight passenger trains.
This station was constructed for the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1918 and is the third station to be built at this location. The two previous stations were built in 1871 and 1889. The 1871 depot burned down in 1885. The Queen Anne-style 1889 depot burned down on March 5, 1917.
The current Beaux-Arts-style structure was constructed of masonry and is one of five masonry depots that still exist along the original Southern Pacific West Coast line. The other depots are in Albany, Medford, Roseburg and Eugene.
A restoration project by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) was completed in 2000. Amtrak leases the station from ODOT for $1 a year, in exchange for maintenance of the building and grounds.
An 1889 Railway Express Agency (REA) freight depot/baggage shed survived the fire that destroyed the previous station and is the oldest freight depot still in existence in the state. After the 1917 fire, the Queen Anne-style REA depot was relocated from its original site to south of the passenger station. The REA depot has not been used since the mid-1970s, and now awaits restoration.
Salem is a brand of cigarettes introduced in 1956 by the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company as the first filter-tipped menthol cigarette. Its name (along with that of the Winston brand) derives from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the city where RJR was founded and headquartered. Salem cigarettes are unique in that they are blended with Asian Menthol rather than the traditional mainstream Menthol. It is currently a product of ITG Brands LLC, a subsidiary of Imperial Tobacco Company. In the 1983 prison movie Bad Boys , both Salem and Winston cigarettes are seen being offered to and purchased by Sean Penn's character.
Until the early 2000s, Salem was a sponsor of the Hong Kong Open, an ATP tennis tournament, which attracted a number of top ranking professional players. As a result of the sponsorship, it was titled the Salem Open. Salem also sponsored a number of events there including concerts throughout Asia.
In 2001, as with legislation restricting tobacco sponsorship in Hong Kong, the tournament sponsorship was proven to be controversial, when its official logo was altered to include the logo of Perrier, causing anti-smoking campaigners to claim that the organisers exploited a loophole in its sponsorship clause.
A business, also known as an enterprise, agency or a firm, is an entity involved in the provision of goods and/or services to consumers. Businesses are prevalent in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be social not-for-profit enterprises or state-owned public enterprises targeted for specific social and economic objectives. A business owned by multiple individuals may be formed as an incorporated company or jointly organised as a partnership. Countries have different laws that may ascribe different rights to the various business entities.
Business can refer to a particular organization or to an entire market sector, e.g. "the music business". Compound forms such as agribusiness represent subsets of the word's broader meaning, which encompasses all activity by suppliers of goods and services. The goal is for sales to be more than expenditures resulting in a profit.
Business is the debut EP from New Jersey, rock band Jet Lag Gemini,. Recorded in Madison, NJ at Northshore Studios when two of the band members were still 15 years old, the EP was released June 6, 2006 on Doghouse Records.
"Business" is a song by American rapper Eminem from his fourth studio album The Eminem Show (2002). "Business" was released as the final single from The Eminem Show in July 2003. The single was not released in the United States.
"Business" is a hip hop song of four minutes and eleven seconds in length. It sees Eminem comparing himself and Dr. Dre, the song's producer, to fictional crime-fighting duo Batman and Robin, a comparison first explored in the music video for the previous Eminem single "Without Me". The lyrics are backed by a "cartoonish" beat: one of several Dr. Dre productions on The Eminem Show which, according to CultureDose writer Marty Brown, affords Eminem a "perfect sound-scape" to inspire emotions in the listener, calling the beat "a launchpad equally effective for humor or anger". Writing for Pitchfork Media, Ethan P. noted the "cartoonish" production to be similar in style to several of Eminem's early singles, claiming it to be fitting to the Batman and Robin theme on "Business", but noted that "this time he's actually talking about Batman and Robin!!". DX Magazine editor J-23 called this "classic" with Dre beats. Kris Ex On "Business": "Em names himself the gatekeeper of hip-hop and obliquely claims to be the best rapper alive: "The flow's too wet/Nobody close to it/Nobody says it, but everybody knows the shit."
The first season of Salem, an American horror–drama television series on WGN America, premiered on April 20, 2014, and concluded on July 13, 2014, consisting of thirteen episodes. Created for television by Adam Simon and Brannon Braga, who write or co-write episodes of the show, the series is based on the Salem Witch Trials. It was executive produced by Braga, Coby Greenberg and David Von Ancken, with Braga and Simon assuming the role of showrunner.
As the first original scripted show on WGN America, the pilot episode received 1.52 million viewers, and remained the network's highest-rated show throughout its first season run. The show was soon renewed for a second season. The season follows Mary Sibley, a witch conspiring with other witches to bring forth the Grand Rite, as she brings forth hysteria among the puritans of Salem. Her former flame, John Alden, returns after years of absence, complicating her wicked plan.